Welcome to LITTLE BIRD, the portal for childcare places in Cologne

Get an overview of the numerous childcare options in Cologne here and place your childcare enquiries conveniently online.


Child day care (Kindertagespflege) now also in LITTLE BIRD: Pilot phase starts with Ehrenfeld

If you live in the Ehrenfeld, you can also make a request for child day care in our portal. This gives you the opportunity to make six active requests per childcare year. In the second quarter of 2025, you will probably also be able to look for child day care places in the other city districts.


All entries marked with an * are mandatory. By entering a postal code, you can narrow down your results further or determine them more precisely.

A brief overview

Wanted? Found!

The parents' portal for childcare places in Cologne is both clear and informative. Here you will find both the publicly funded child day care centres (Kitas) of almost all providers in the city as well as contact points for child day care (Kindertagespflege). With the help of different filters, you can narrow down your search and adapt it to your wishes. The results pages provide an initial informative overview of the respective offers, including a city map on which you can recognise the location.

Pre-register online

Once you have registered, you can make a non-binding online reservation for your child at up to five childcare centres of your choice per childcare year. If you receive a rejection, you have the option of submitting a childcare enquiry to another childcare centre or at a different time.


Only use one account per family.
Otherwise there may be problems with the display of your requests. You can have several children in one account.

Please always provide your current address.
If your address changes after registration, you are obliged to inform the selected childcare centres of this change. Please use the change service in your childcare overview.

You need help?

Step-by-step instructions are available as PDFs in various languages and as explanatory videos.

General questions are answered in our frequently asked questions (FAQs) .

For further questions, please use the contact form.

For telephone assistance, please call the Citizens' Helpline on: 0221 / 221-30300

A Service of  LITTLE BIRD GmbH

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